History resources that can be used in stations… or not.
Why these resources? Competency-based approach Adult Education in Quebec is in the middle of a transformation. Our new...
Why these resources? Competency-based approach Adult Education in Quebec is in the middle of a transformation. Our new...
Questions for Reflection:
Have you ever considered using stations in adult education?
Can you think of certain lessons you teach or learning situations you facilitate that can be tweaked into a stations model?
Do you already teach in stations part of the time? What works? What can be made better?
For administrators
How can you use stations in staff meetings or professional development?
Questions for Reflection:
Have you ever considered using stations in adult education?
Can you think of certain lessons you teach or learning situations you facilitate that can be tweaked into a stations model?
Do you already teach in stations part of the time? What works? What can be made better?
For administrators
How can you use stations in staff meetings or professional development?
Questions for Reflection:
How can movement during the learning process help our students?
How do you work with small groups of students while keeping the rest of the class engaged in their own learning?
Questions for Reflection:
What are different ways you offer variety and choice in the classroom?
Do you have an interactive white board in your classroom? How do you use it?
How can the role of the teacher change when we use stations?
Questions for Reflection:
How can we design professional learning opportunities that have a high impact on practice?
What do you think of the idea of modeling professional learning on the kind of learning we want to see in our classrooms?
Does HOW we do PD affect our teaching practice?
Questions for Reflection:
Do your students have time to work together and speak to each other about their learning?
How do you integrate technology, movement, and variety into your learning situations?
Do you consider student feedback on the learning that happens in your classroom? How?
Questions for Reflection: How do you interact with each of your students on a regular basis?
How do we keep track of all of our students competency development throughout the process of a learning situation?
How can a stations approach help to provide content for learning while students develop competencies for critical thinking and action?