Design Thinking with our Colleagues
Questions for Reflection:
How do you deal with complex issues in your classrooms?
How does empathy figure into these issues?
How do you address these issues with your colleagues?
Questions for Reflection:
How do you deal with complex issues in your classrooms?
How does empathy figure into these issues?
How do you address these issues with your colleagues?
Questions for reflection
How do you collaborate with your colleagues to improve student learning?
How do you and your colleagues work towards shared goals?
Have you ever used a co-teaching model? Why or why not?
**this resource includes videos about the theory as well as videos about how it is put into practice in Quebec.
Questions for reflection
How do you share information with your colleagues?
Where do you find information about the courses offered at your centre?
How do you collaborate with your colleagues to improve student learning?
Why should we observe or be observed teaching? Have you ever observed a teacher or been observed yourself...
Recording lessons is not only good for your students – Daniel talks about how it has helped to reflect on his teaching as well.
Questions for reflection:
How are you helping yourself through a shift to learning situations?
What is changing in your practice? What is staying the same?
Questions for Reflection
How are you doing things differently?
Who is helping you while you go through a change in practice?
Who are you helping?
Questions for Reflection:
How can we shift away from delivery of material as our prime source of teaching methodology if that is the only way we experience our Professional Development?
Does HOW we do PD affect our teaching practice?
Where does PD happen? Can it happen in staff meetings? Can it happen in classrooms?
What is EdCamp? EdCamps are teacher-centred, teacher-directed professional development that use conversation to inspire growth in teaching practice. Video: EdCamp in...
What is Blended PD? It is based on the concept of Blended Learning, which combines online learning with...
Questions for Reflection:
Do the teachers in your school or centre visit each other’s classrooms?
What is stopping them?
What can we gain by visiting each other’s classrooms?