Why should we structure the use of video in our classrooms?

As with anything we do in our classrooms, we want to make sure that our use of video is purposeful, intentional, and supports learning. In order to make this so, we need to structure the inclusion of video in our learning situations just as we would any other activity.

How can we structure the use of video in our classrooms?

We don’t ever want the technology to get in the way of our learning situations. Some teachers have discovered different ways to make video viewing easier and more effective for their students.

Here is Lindsay Harrar, a teacher at ACCESS Adult Education Centre in Brossard, and she describes how she scaffolds learning situations that include video in her classroom:

Lindsay talks about using QR codes to make video resources easier for her students to access. The wonderful thing about reducing the barriers to access is that it levels the playing field for all of our students and builds equity into their learning.

As you watch this next video, think about ways you build equity in your classroom and how technology can help level things out even further.

What are some teaching and learning strategies that make it easier to incorporate videos into learning situations?

Station Rotation Model

Often we want to use videos in our classrooms but recognize that showing a video to everyone at the same time is not the best way to go about it. Using a station rotation model is an excellent way to manage viewing videos in the classroom in a way that makes sense for all of our students as well as for the sequence of our learning situations.

Briefly, a station rotation model is a classroom management strategy that has students moving through different learning activities (or stations) in small groups. The most important part of this model is the teacher station. Imagine – each time you use a station rotation model you can have the opportunity to connect with each of your students in a small group setting.

Formative Assessment – At the teacher station, you can check to see if the videos you chose are having an impact.

When using stations in the classroom or for professional development, I use written instruction cards instead of giving oral instructions. Why?

  • Few people listen to instructions.
  • It facilitates giving instructions to latecomers.
  • It helps develop competencies in reading for information

Here are some sample cards you can refer to when making your own instruction cards for video viewing:

Interested in stations?

You can read about how teachers and students in Quebec are using stations – these articles include teacher testimony and planning resources!



Learning resources created by Lindsay Harrar (Teacher, RSB), Avi Spector (RECIT Consultant, RSB),  and Tracy Rosen (RECIT Consultant, CSSMI), 2017.

Thank you!

If you would like more information about these resources or if you have something you would like to add to this tile, please contact Avi Spector or Tracy Rosen.

All materials are expected to be reused and shared according to this Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0