Must-See PD: Marc Prensky – What is the role of the teacher in today’s world?
Watch the Stephen Heppell / Marc Prensky conversation on the changing role of the teacher and share with others.
Watch the Stephen Heppell / Marc Prensky conversation on the changing role of the teacher and share with others.
Watch Geoffrey Canada’s TED Talk: Our Failing Schools. Enough Is Enough! and share with others.
Watch Rita Pierson’s TED Talk: Every Kid Needs a Champion and share with others.
Type at a speed of at least 65 WPM.
Type at a speed of at least 40 WPM.
Type with a certain level of ease (20 WPM+).
Have a relatively recent tablet of your own and reflect on its pedagogical & didactic uses.
Know the basics of email etiquette; the do’s and don’ts of electronic communication.
Understand the changing role of teachers. This is reflected in your practice in various ways.
Use the basics of presentation software.
Continue to develop the do’s & dont’s of presentations, use some more sophisticated presentation functions & tools.