Motivation: the word is often tossed around in education, but one quickly finds out that very few have come up with a clear and concise definition of it. So what does motivation actually mean?

For many researchers, motivation is either intrinsic (satisfaction from within or for the task itself) or extrinsic (stimulated by external stimulus like reward or fear of punishment, etc.). Motivation is tightly linked to engagement and perseverance. This makes exploring the relationship between motivation and student success highly relevant.

Here are a few resources to get you started:

Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about work?
TED Talks, October 2012, 20:26

OECD, 2010 – Chapter 4, The crucial role of motivation and emotion in classroom learning The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice


Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, Dan Pink
RSA Animate – Dan Pink, April 2010, 10:47

Questions for reflection:

Do I consider theories behind motivation when I plan my courses?

Which theories resonate the most with me? Why?

What impact, if any, does this tile have on my teaching practice?

Supplementary Resources in French:

Pour poursuivre la réflexion, voici quelques ouvrages qui ont fait leur marque dans le domaine scolaire.

Cet ouvrage se propose de faire le point sur le problème de l’abandon scolaire, sur ses causes et ses conséquences. Il propose une explication de ce qu’est la motivation aux apprentissages scolaires et met en lumière les principaux facteurs qui la favorisent ou qui lui nuisent.

Cet ouvrage nourri la réflexion sur la psychologie de l’apprentissage et les sciences de l’éducation ont énormément évolué au cours des dernières années. La partie 2 de l’ouvrage porte principalement sur la motivation et couvre plusieurs théories actuelles de la motivation.