Develop an understanding of active and passive “digital footprint”s, develop strategies for self-evaluation.

Whenever you go on-line, you leave both a passive and active “digital footprint” of all your activities. Sharing a public opinion, posting on social media, or even writing an email leaves behind active digital traces. These active digital traces can be searched, retrieved, or copied by others at a later date.

What about your passive digital traces? By default, most smartphones use built-in GPS to “geotag” the location of every picture you take. These passive digital traces can reveal identifying information, such as the precise location where the picture was taken. Likewise, information is also routinely collected when you use a search engine or free webmail services. How is all this information used?

As a teaching professional, it’s now more important than ever to develop critical thinking skills around on-line privacy and safety concerns. What criteria do you use to evaluate what’s appropriate to put on-line? What steps do you take to minimize the risks? How do you stay “in-the-know” about the latest privacy concerns? How do help your students manage their own “digital footprint”?


A quick overview of a “Digital Footprint” (1m07s)



Helping your students manage their own “Digital Footprint” (3m57s)